Chart Generator

This is an analytical tool for using customized graphs to find your necessary financial data from prior fiscal years.

Results of operations

*Net income per share for the fiscal years that ended from March 2011 to March 2019 has been adjusted for the SAN HOLDINGS 2-for-1 stock split on October 1, 2019.


This is an analytical tool for using customized graphs to find your necessary financial data from prior fiscal years.

Results of operations

*Q4=FY-First three quarters Q3=First three quarters-First two quarters Q2=First two quarters-First quarter
*1Q FY17から2Q FY19の1株当たり四半期純利益は、株式分割が行われたと仮定して、「1株当たり四半期純利益」を算定しております。(2019年10月1日を効力発生日として1株につき2株の割合をもって分割いたしました)
